It is never too late to take charge of your health by developing healthy habits and getting regular screening tests for common health problems. Screening tests include self-checks, clinical exams, non-laboratory tests (such as imaging tests), and laboratory tests. The focus here is on laboratory screening tests and other tests and conditions related to healthy aging. It’s easy to take these tests for granted, but their power to keep you healthier longer should not be underestimated.

General Screening Tests

Several major health organizations recommend routine health screenings for some conditions and diseases. Getting routine tests performed even though you have no symptoms can help detect problems early and help you benefit from easier and more effective treatment. It can sometimes even prevent disease. It’s easy to take these tests for granted, but their power to keep you healthier longer should not be underestimated. Talk to your health care practitioner about getting these recommended screenings.

Two panels of tests are frequently used as general health screenings. These tests can screen for a number of health issues at the same time. Your health care practitioner may order these when you have a general health examination:

Conditions that can affect your health

As we age, the risk of developing certain conditions and diseases can increase. By understanding these conditions and being aware of how they may affect you, you can be proactive in staying healthy. You can be more informed when talking to your health care practitioners about your health concerns. Read about the following diseases and conditions to learn about their signs and symptoms, related tests as well as their prevention and treatment.


Healthy Aging Resources

Patient Resources

How to Read Your Lab Report
Wellness and Prevention in an Era of Patient Responsibility
Coping with Test Pain, Discomfort and Anxiety
Collecting Samples for Testing
Biotin Can Affect Some Blood Test Results
With Home Testing, Consumers Take Charge of their Health

Elsewhere on the Web

There’s a Vaccine for Shingles?! (CDC podcast)
Alzheimer’s Disease and Healthy Aging (CDC)
Flu Information for 65 and over (CDC)
Department of Health and Human Services: Healthy Aging
National Institute on Aging: Healthy Aging
MedlinePlus: Seniors’ Health
American Geriatrics Society:

Ask a Laboratory Scientist

Ask A Laboratory Scientist

This form enables patients to ask specific questions about lab tests. Your questions will be answered by a laboratory scientist as part of a voluntary service provided by one of our partners, American Society for Clinical Laboratory Science. Please allow 2-3 business days for an email response from one of the volunteers on the Consumer Information Response Team.

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